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Auguste Rodin          

Auguste Rodin (1840-1917), French sculptor.

Two sketches of Isadora. These are the only works by Rodin depicting Isarora, who had refused his advances and subsequently became his friend. The conservator of the Musée Rodin in Paris was categorical that other works published as Rodin on Duncan are not genuine.

Text published in L'Oeuvre, 18e année, no. 11. Paris, La Belle Edition, novembre 1911.   


Isadora Duncan attained sculpture, attained emotion, effortlessly, one would say. She borrows from Nature that force which is not called talent, but is genius.

  Miss Duncan literally integrated life into dance. She is natural on the stage, where others are rarely so. She renders dance sensitive to lines and she has the simplicity of things ancient which are synonymous to Beauty. Suppleness, emotion, these great qualities which are the very soul of dance : it is true art, integral and sovereign.






Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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