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Appendix / Colophon



The Isadora Duncan pandect





Editor: Alkis Raftis 

Project supervisor:  Adamantia Angeli   

Site design:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                                  &   Ms. Anahit Saribekyan

Publisher:  Dora Stratou Dance Theatre

Under the auspices of the   International Dance Council CID-UNESCO



This website was launched in 2014 and is constantly enriched.

It is part of the Orchesis Portal. Food for the thoughtful dancer.


Suggestions and material offered by visitors are welcome.


For information on the album Isadora Duncan and the artists - out of stock - as well as books, articles or documents related to Isadora Duncan and to dance in general write to the Dora Stratou Dance Theatre. We provide our services are free of charge.






Friday the 28th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
Copyright 2014
