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Books about Isadora Duncan




Aguilera, Emiliano M.: Isadora Duncan. Barcelona, Circulo de Lectores, 1946, 246 p. [ACR]

Ajsedora: Gatroli v Rossii (in Russian). Moskva, 1992.

Allard, Odette: Isadora: La danseuse aux pieds nus ou La révolution isadorienne d’Isadora à Malkovsky. Paris, Ecrivains Associés. 1997, 128 p. [ACR]

Anastasopoulou, Anastasia (ed.): Tribute to Isadora Duncan (in Greek). Athens, Dora Stratou Dance Theater & International Organization of Folk Art, 1991, 16 p. [ACR]

Andreeva, Yulia: Isadora Duncan. Barefoot modern dance (in Russian). Moscow, Algorithm, 2016, 416 p. [ACR] 

Blair, Fredrika: Isadora. Parco, 1990. Translated by into Japanese Mary Sano and Mariko Suzuki.

Blair, Fredrika: Isadora. Portrait of the artist as a woman. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1986, 470 p. [ACR]

Blair, Fredrika: Isadora. Portrait of the artist as a woman. Wellingborough, UK, Equation, 1987, 470 p. [ACR]

Boman, Birgit: Isadora Duncan och den svenska barndansen. Stockholm, 1986.

Bourdelle, Emile Antoine: Bourdelle et la danse. Isadora et Nijinsky. Paris, 1969.

Boman, Birgit: Isadora Duncan and the Swedish children's dance. 1988. [ACR]

Bresciani, Jeanne: Myth and image in the dance of Isadora Duncan. PhDNew YorkUniversity, 2000.

Broske, Janet (ed.): Line Dance: Abraham Walkowitz's Drawings of Isadora Duncan. Delaware, University Gallery, 2000.[ACR]

Carizzoni, Pier Giorgio & Arianna Ghilardotti (eds.): Isadora Duncan, Pina Bausch. Danza dell'anima, liberazione del corpo. Milano, 2006.

Chambers, Colin: Here we stand. Politics, performers and performance. Paul Robeson, Charlie Chaplin, Isadora Duncan.

Cheney, Sheldon (ed.): Isadora Duncan, The Art of the Dance. New York: Theater Arts, 1928. ISBN 0-87830-005-8

Chilkovsky Nahumck, Nadia: Isadora Duncan. The dances choreographed in Labanotation. WashingtonD.C., 1994.

Clará y Ayats, José: Isadora Duncan. Soixante-douze planches. Paris, 1928.

Colloredo, Sabina: Isadora Duncan (in Italian). Perfect Paperback, 2008

Cooper Albright, Ann (ed.): Modern gestures. Abraham Walkowitz draws Isadora Duncan dancing. Mideletown CN, WeleyanUniversity Press, 2010, 81 p.

Cossart, Axel von: Liebe der Tanzkunst. Köln, 1986.

Couderc, Frédéric: La dernière danse d'Isadora. Paris, Editions Anne Carrière, 2005, 322 p. [ACR]

Daly, Ann: Done into dance. Isadora Duncan in America. Bloomington, Indiana University Press. 1995. 266 p.

Davies, Jessie: Isadora Duncan's Russian husband. Chippenham, England, Anthony Rowe, 1991, 284 p.

De Fina, Pamela: Maria Theresa, divine being guided by a higher order. The adopted daughter of Isadora Duncan. Pittsburgh, Dorrance, 2003, 50 p. [ACR]

De Pontchara, Natacha: Isadora Duncan. D’Isarora. Paris, Marval, 1998, 94 p. [ACR]

Desti, Mary: The untold story. The life of Isadora Duncan 1921-1927. New York, Horace Liveright, 1929. [ACR]

Desti, Mary: Isadora Duncan's end. London, 1929.

Desti, Mary: El final de Isadora Duncan. Buenes Aires, 1945.

Destrée, Claire: Rythme et plastique dans les danses de Isadora Duncan, étude des textes et des documents iconongraphiques, tome I. Louvain la Neuve, Université Catholiqie de Louvain, 1987. [ACR]

Dikovskaya, Lily: In Isadora's steps. The story of Isadora Duncan's school in Moscow, told by her favorite pupil. Sussex, 2008.

Dillon, Milicent: After Egypt. Isadora Duncan and Mary Cassatt. A dual biography. New York, Dutton Penguin Books, 1990, 403 p. [ACR]

Divoire, Fernand: Isadora Duncan, fille de Promethée. Paris, 1919.

Dumesnil, Maurice: An amazing journey, Isadora Duncan in South America. London, Jarrolds, 1933, 288 p. [ACR]

Dumesnil, Maurice: An amazing journey. Isadora Duncan in South America. New York, 1932.

Duncan, Anna: In the footsteps of Isadora. I Isadoras fotspar (in Swedish and English). Stockholm, Dansmuseet, 1995, 143 p. [ACR]

Duncan, Dorée & Pratl, Carol and Splatt, Cynthia (Eds.): Life into art. Isadora Duncan and her world. Foreword by Agnes de Mille. Text by Cynthia Splatt. New York, Norton, 1993, 199 p. ISBN 0-393-03507-7 [ACR]

Duncan, Irma & MacDougall, Allan Ross: Isadora Duncan's Russian days and her last years in France. London, Victor Gollangz, 1929, 384 p. [ACR]

Duncan, Irma & MacDougall, Allan Ross: Isadora Duncan's Russian days & her last years in France. New York, CoviciFriede, 1929.

Duncan, Irma: The technique of Isadora Duncan (as taught by Irma Duncan). New York, 1937.

Duncan, Irma: Isadora Duncan, pioneer in the art of dance. New York Public Library, NY, 1958.

Duncan, Irma: Duncan dancer. An autobiography. Middletown, Connecticut, 1966.

Duncan, Isadora: Mein Leben, meine Zeit. Pabel-Moewig Verlag, 1981, 253 p.

Duncan, Isadora: Memoiren. Nach dem englischen Manuskript bearbeitet von C. Zell. Zürich, 1928.

Duncan, Isadora: Minha vida. Traduzido do inglés por Gastao Cruls. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria José Olympio, 1956, 7a edicao, 359 p.  [ACR]

Ferrar, Crucia: Isadora Duncan. Ongakunoromosha, 1988. Translated into Japanese by Sachiko Kosemoa.

Genthe, Arnold: Isadora Duncan. Twenty-four studies by Arnold Genthe. New York, Mitchell Kennerley / London, 1929.

Godard, Jocelyne: Les amours d'Isadora Duncan, jusqu' aux vertiges. France, Le Sémaphore, 2006, 118 p. [ACR]

Gold, Sylvia: A selection of Isadora Duncan dances. The Schubert selection. Newport Beach, California, 1984.

Gorpas, Thomas: Isidora! Isidora! The tragic love of Duncan with poet Yessenin (in Greek). Athens, Gavriilidis, 1995, 158 p. [ACR]

Giubilei, Maria Flora & Carlo Sisi: A passi di danza. Isadora Duncan e le arti figurative in Italia. Catalogo di mostra in Villa Bardini. Firenze, 2019, 302 p.

Grandjouan, Jules: Grandjouan dessine Duncan. Expositions. Paris, Centre National de la Danse, 2005, 48 p. [ACR]

Grandjouan, Jules: Grandjouan dessine Duncan. 10 cartes. Paris, Centre National de la Danse, 2005, 28 p. [ACR]

Harris, Virginia Ann: Isadora Duncan: The body of a dancer. Kindle Edition.

Hubel, Alice: Isadora Duncan. Paris, Park Avenue, 1994, 239 p. [ACR]

Humor, Phil: Isadora Duncan zu Besuch bei Kasperl (in German). Kindle Edition.

Isadora, Rachel: Isadora dances.

Jörgonson, Owe: Duncan contra Bournonville. Copenhagen, 1906.

Jones, Sabrina: Isadora Duncan. A graphic biography. Foreword by Lori Belilove. New York, Hill and Wang, 2008, 144 p.

Kaan, Zsuzsa (ed.): Isadora Duncan (in Hungarian and English). Budapest, Tancmüvészet Danceart magazinespecial issue volume 33, 2002, 32 p. [ACR]

Kanellos, Vassos: The antique Greek dance and Isadora Duncan [in Greek and English]. Athens, 1966, 222 p. [ACR]

Keating, Susan: Isadora Duncan. Great Names Library.

Khudekov, Sergei Nikolaevich: Istoriia tantsev (in Russian). Petrograd, 1918.

Kozodoy, Ruth: Isadora Duncan. American women of achievement. New York, Chelsea House, 1988, 112 p. [ACR]

Kurth, Peter: Isadora. A sensational life. Boston, New York, London, Little Brown, 2001, 652 p. ISBN 0-316-50726-1 [ACR]

Lafitte, Jean Paul: I. Les Danses religieuses. II. Les Vases. III. Les Bacchantes. IV. Le Retour des guerriers. 1909, 22 p.

Lafitte, Jean Paul: Les danses d'Isadora Duncan. Avec une préface d'Élie Faure. 1910, 14 p.

Lamothe, Kimerer L.: Nietzsche's dancers. Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the revaluation of Christian values. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 288 p.

Lecomte, Valentine: The dance of Isadora Duncan. Paris, Robert Duncan, 1952.

Lennartz, Ernst: Duncan, She, Desmond. Beiträge zur Beurteilung und Geschichte der Nacktkultur (in German). Köln, 1908.

Lever, Maurice: Isadora Duncan. Roman d'une vie (in French). Paris, Perrin, 2000 (1987), 264 p.

Lever, Maurice: Isadora Duncan. Dansin tanriçasi (in Turkish). Istanbul, Everest Yayinlari, 2002, 460 p. [ACR]

Lever, Maurice: Primavera. Tanz und Leben der Isadora Duncan (in German). Knaus Albrecht, 1991, 352 p.

Levien, Julia: Duncan dance. A guide for young people ages six to sixteen. Illustrated. Pennington, New Jersey, Dance Horizons, Princeton Book Company, 1994. [ACR]

Lichtman, Nancy Rae: Isadora Duncan. Her philosophy of dance and its relationship to the creative and therapeutic process in movement. Los Angeles, 1977.

Loewenthal, Lillian: The search for Isadora. The legend & legency of Isadora Duncan. PenningtonNJ, Dance Horizons, 1993, 225 p. [ACR]

Lofiego, Vivial: Isadora Duncan, une Americaine aux pied nus. Editions A dos d’âne, 2009, 47 p. [ACR]

Mac Vay, Gordon: Isodora and Esenin. The story of Isadora Duncan and Sergei Esenin. London, 1980.

Magriel, Paul David: Isadora Duncan. New York, 1947.

Magriel, Paul (Ed.): Nijinsky, Pavlova, Duncan. Three lives in dance. New York, Da Capo Press, 1977, 85 p. [ACR]

Macdougall, Allan Ross: Isadora. A revolutionary in art and love. Edinburgh & New York, Thomas Nelson NY, 1960.

Malostvov, N. G.: Aisedora Dunkan (in Russian). St. Petersburg, 1908.

Mantell Seidel, Andrea: Isadora Duncan in the 21st century. USA, McFarland, 2015, 272 p. 

Meinzenbach, Sandra: Neue alte Weiblichkeit. Frauenbilder und Kunstkonzepte im freien Tanz. Loïe Fuller, Isadora Duncan und Ruth St. Denis zwischen 1891 und 1934. Tectum, 2010, 400 p.

Mougenot, Josépha (scénario) & Jules Stromboni (dessins): Isadora Duncan. Paris, Naive, Grands destins de femmes, 2013. [ACR]

Mozdulatmuveszeti Sorozat: Remembering - Isadora Duncan - Emlekkonyv. Budapest, Orkesztika Alapitvany, 2002, 128 p. ISSN 1586-4537 [ACR]

Musée Bourdelle (ed.): Sous le signe d'Isadora. Paris, 1966.

Musée Bourdelle: Isadora Duncan, une sculpture vivante. Paris, Musée Bourdelle, 2009, 336 p. [ACR]

New York Public Library (ed.): Dance collection: Isadora Duncan, 1878-1927; impressions of her contemporaries. New York, 1969.

Niehaus, Max: Isadora Duncan. Leben, Werk, Wirkung. Wilhelmshaven, 1981.

Niehaus, Max: Isadora Duncan. Triumph und Tragik einer legendären Tänzerin. Heyne Verlag, 1993.

O'Connor, Barbara: Barefoot dancer. The story of Isadora Duncan. Trailblazer Biographies.

Peter, Frank-Manuel (Ed.): Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan in Deutschland / in Germany. Wienand, Köln 2000, ISBN 3-879-09645-7. [ACR]

Pontcharra, Natacha de: Isadora Duncan. Paris, Marval, 1998. [ACR]

Quinlan, Kathleen & Erik Näslund: Anna Duncan. In the footsteps of Isadora – I Isadoras footspor. Stockholm, 1995.

Raftis, Alkis: Isadora Duncan and the artists (in Greek). Athens, Way of Life Publications & Dora Stratou Theater, 2002, 222 p. [ACR]

Raftis, Alkis: Isadora Duncan and the artists (companion volume in English). Athens, Way of Life Publications & Dora Stratou Theater, 2002, 222 p. [ACR]

Rather, Lois: Lovely Isadora. Oakland CA, 1976.

Rey Alfonso, Francisco: Isadora Duncan en La Habana. La Habana, n.d., 11 p.

Rodríguez, Armonía: "Mi" Isadora Duncan. Barcelona, 1977.

Rodriguez, Berta: Isadora Duncan. Mujeres en la historia. Edimat Libros, 2007, 192 p.

Roseman, Janet Lynn: With spirit in mind. Reflections on the spiritual choreography of Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis and Martha Graham. Ann Arbor, 2001.

Roseman, Janet Lynn: Dance was her religion. The spiritual choreography of Isadora Duncan, Ruth St. Denis and Martha Graham. Hohm Press, 2004, 201 p.

Rosemont, Franklin (ed.): Isadora speaks. Writings & speeches of Isadora Duncan. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr, 1994, 155 p. 

Rousier, Claire (ed.): Grandjouan dessine Duncan. Catalogue de l'exposition qui a eu lieu du 8 avril au 24 juin 2005. Paris, Pantin, Centre National de la Danse, 2005. [ACR]

Sandomir, Larry: Isadora Duncan. Revolutionary dancer. Austin TX, Richard G. Gallin, 1995.

Savinio, Alberto: Isadora Duncan, with a critical study on Art Deco sculptures by Umberto Di Cristina. Parma, Italy, Franco Maria Ricci, 1979, 187 p.

Schmidt, Jochen: Ich sehe Amerika tanzen. Isadora Duncan. München, 2000.

Schneider, Ilya Ilyich: Isadora Duncan, the Russian years. Translated by D. Magarshack. New York, Da Capo Press, 1968, 221 p. [ACR]

Schule der bewegten Körper. Isadora & Elizabeth Duncan und Erika Giovanna Klien in Salzburg. Salzburg, 2001.

Séchan, Louis: Isadora Duncan, in La danse grecque antique. Paris, Boccard, 1930, p. 315-357.

Seroff, Victor Ilyitch: The real Isadora. New York, 1971.

Siblík, Emanuel: Isadora. Tanecní obrození. Prag, 1929.

Sobey, Jeanette: Isadoralola. Dancing threads, weaving lives. Kindle Edition.

Splatt, Cynthia: Isadora Duncan and Gordon Craig. The prose and poetry of action. San Francisco, The Book Club of California, 1988, 138 p.

Steegmuller, Francis (ed.): Your Isadora. The love story of Isadora Duncan & Gordon Craig. Told trough letters and diaries. New York, Vintage Books, 1976 (1974), 401 p. [ACR]

Stern, Carola: Isadora Duncan und Sergej Jessenin. Der Dichter und die Tänzerin. Berlin, 1996.

Stokes, Sewell: Isadora, an intimate portrait. New York, Brentanno's, 1928.

Stokes, Sewell: Isadora Duncan. An intimate portrait. London, 1928.

Strouthou, Maria-Daniella: Vestiges d'une présence. Isadora Duncan. Paris, Université de Paris VI II Saint-Denis, 1995-6. Mémoire en vue de l'obtention du Diplôme... [ACR]

Stüdemann, Natalia: Dionysos in Sparta: Isadora Duncan in Russland. Eine Geschichte von Tanz und Körper. 2008, 164 p.

TamaArtUniversityMuseum (ed.): Isadora Duncan. Modern dance from the mythology to the future. Tokyo, 2000.

Terry, Walter: The legacy of Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Denis. Brooklyn, New York, 1960.

Terry, Walter: Isadora Duncan. Her life, her art, her legacy. New York, Dood, Mead & Company, 1963. [ACR]

Thorpe, Edward: Creating a ballet. MacMillan’s Isadora. With photographs by Robert Jude & Ross MacMillan. London, Evans Brothers, 1981, 80 p. [ACR]

Tierney, Tom: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham and other stars of the Modern Dance. New York, 1983.

Yessenin, Sergei: Isidora Duncan (in Serbian). Beograd, 1979, 315 p. [ACR]

Walkowitz, Abraham: Isodora Duncan in her dances. Girard (Kan.), 1945.

Walkowitz, Abraham: Line dance. Abraham Walkowitz’s drawings of Isadora Duncan. Exhibition catalogue. NewarkDE, University of Delaware, 2000, 45 p. [ACR]

Wanshel, Jeff: Isadora Duncan sleeps with the Russian Navy. Dramatists Play Service, 1998, 72 p.

Weiss, David: The spirit and the flesh. A novel inspired by the life of Isadora Duncan. Garden City, New York, 1959.

Wood, Ean: Headlong through life. The story of Isadora Duncan. Lewes, East Sussex, England, Book Guild, 2006.

Wilber, Marcia A.(ed.): Isadora Duncan's scientific method and the secret of her legacy. Pupils of Irma Duncan Eileen Adair and Nana Ticotion give observations and analysis. 1999.




Books in the Alkis Raftis Collection are marked [ACR]





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