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P-R-S / Arpad Schmidhammer



Arpad Schmidhammer






Beethoven can't be danced…! (Beethoven "tanzt" man nicht…!). Beethoven und Isadora 
Print, sketch, cartoon, 1904








N-S / Romano Romanelli




Romano Romanelli

(Italy, 1882-1969)





The awakening of Brunhilde / Isadora Duncan (Il Risveglio di Brunilde / Isadora Duncan)
Sculpture 1930 approx.




Van Dearing Perrine

Van Dearing Perrine (1869-1955), American painter.


Crayon drawing, around 1920. Used several times by Duncan on covers of her programs.


Works of art / Nerman











Works of art / John Sloan


John Sloan


John Sloan (1871-1951), American painter.


 1911 Isadora Duncan oil on canvas 81.9 x 66.7 cm
 "Isadora Duncan", 1911. Painting, oil on canvas, 78 x 63 cm. Milwaukee Art Museum.




Wednesday the 15th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
Copyright 2014
