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E. A.-B.

A poem published in English in a Swedish newspaper, Stockholm, 6 May 1906. From the archive of Gedeon Dienes, Budapest      


 To Isadora, dancing

 See the tints of morning break

 Where the deep of night has been, -

 Meads, forgotten verdure take,

 And from out their lumbers wake

 Nymphs, by mortals long unseen.

 Fair they dance, their lissom feet

 Moving all in melody.

 Swift or slow the ground they beat,

 Scarce the trembling blossoms meet, -

Care-worn crowds stand still to see

 Harps long mute are stung again

 (Oh! the winds! the flow’r (...)

 New old songs are sung again,

All the world grows young again,

Lo, An age of gold begun  




Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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