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Texts / Fernand Divoire



Fernand Divoire

A tribute to Isadora



  She knows that. . . each time she becomes the young girl, the Amazon, the Bacchante, the crowd will shout, will cry out her name amid wild bravos.
  She makes no concession. She is not there for applause.
  She is there to lead that crowd which she had awakened, and acquainted with joy, still farther on…
  Thus, having known sorrow, she has brought the pure tears of sorrow to our hearts, having felt pity, she has given us the strength to bear with other men the weight of the cloak of shadow…
  What she is has a name in all human languages, because she is the very life of the human soul: beauty, calm, sure of itself; the only sister to Samothrace, the presence of the soul in tears, of the being in tears who knows how to add to the word “sorrow” all it contains of resignation, of love, of self-pity, of the nobility of the man unjustly
struck down, and the abandonment of him who remains alone with hands empty. Dionysos in mourning.





Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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