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George Balanchine

 George Balanchine (1904-1983), Russian-American choreographer. He studied at the Imperial Ballet School in St. Petersburg, then he enrolled in the State Conservatory of Music.

  In 1924 he joined the Ballets Russes in Paris and remained as its ballet master to replace Bronislava Nijinska. Lincoln Kirstein invited him to New York in 1934. He served as artistic director for the New York City Ballet, choreographing the majority of its productions.

  The total number of his works is 465.

Terry, Walter: Isadora Duncan: Her life, her art, her legacy. New York, Dodd, Mead,1963



  "I thought she was awful.

  I don't understand it when people say she was a great dancer.

  To me it was absolutely unbelievable - a drunken, fat woman who for hours was rolling around like a pig. It was the most awful thing.

  It is unbelievable how people can be hypnotized so nobody dares to say what he thinks. I don't believe she ever danced well.

  She was probably a nice juicy girl when she was young...

  There was no reason to be so bad at forty. I can't believe she was excellent when she was thirty. Those ten years couldn't make such a difference."





Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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