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José Clarà

José Clarà (1878-1958), Catalan painter.

Text on her performances in 1902-3 and various drawngs; one of them inscribed "A l'éminent archéologe (sic) et cher ami Alex. Philadelpheus", courtesy of his grandson Alexander Philadelpheus.



   No stage set except long, neutral curtains which disappeared up into darkness and left the imagination free play. Of music: the best.

   When she appeared we all had the feeling that God - that is to say Certainty, Simplicity, Grandeur and Harmony - that God was present.

   She awakened or recreated all the fervors of the Ideal and of Art; the finest dreams and highest visions were born and unfolded through the magic of her movements.

   Never was Prayer more ardent, Victory more irresistible, Virgin purest, Graces younger, Fury more tragic, Serenity more luminous than she - Isadora.





Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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