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Persons / Mary Desti



Mary Desti




MaryDesti8-1917Mary     MaryDesti5-marywithsonPrestonchicago1904   

                                                                              Mery Desti with son Preston, Chicago1904







   FrederikaBlair83Bsmall    MaryDesti3-isadoraMeriandDr.H.VonBadyatBayreuth1904   

                 Isadora with Temple Duncan and Mary Desti                        Isadora Meri and Dr.H.Von Badyat
                                                                                                  Bayreuth, Germany, 1904                                                                         





Mary and Isadora
beach Juanle Pins, September1927





In the car in which Isadora was killed. Photo is taken the day before she died. 
Nice, September 13, 1927







Sunday the 22nd. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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