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Max Eastman

 Max Eastman (1883-1969), American poet.



                      Isadora Duncan

You bring the fire and terror of the wars

Of infidels in thunder-running hordes,

With spears like sun-rays, shields, and wheeling swords

Flame shape, death shape and shaped like scimitars,

With crimson eagles and blue pennantry,

And teeth and armor flashing, and white eyes

Of battle horses, and silver cries

Of trumpets unto storm and victory!

Who is this naked-footed lovely girl

Of summer meadows dancing on the grass?

So young and tenderly her footsteps pass,

So dreary-limbed and lightly wild and warm,

The bugles murmur and the banners furl,

And they are lost and vanished like a storm!




Sunday the 9th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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