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Practitioners / Ms. Andrea Mantell-Seidel




Ms. Andrea Mantell-Seidel





Isadora Duncan in the 21st Century
Capturing the Art and Spirit of the Dancer’s LegacyAndrea Mantell Seidel 
Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-7795-1
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4766-2369-6
notes, bibliography, index
softcover (6 x 9) 2015


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Price: $40.00


Not Yet Published, Available Spring/Summer 2016

About the Book
Part artistic study, part intimate memoir, this book illuminates the technique and repertory of American dancer Isadora Duncan (1877–1927) and her enduring legacy from the perspective of an artist and scholar who has reconstructed and performed her work for 35 years. Providing an overview of modern activities and trends in the teaching and performance of Duncan’s dance, the author describes her own work directing The Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble, the company that sought to implement Duncan’s mission to create not a school of dance but “a school of life.” The Isadora Duncan legacy is discussed as a tool for fostering self-integration and humanistic ideals.


About the Author(s)
Andrea Mantell Seidel is a professor emeritus of dance, associate professor of religious studies and former founding director of the Intercultural Dance and Music Institute of the Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University. She lives in Miami. 

"Thirty-five years of learning, teaching, performing, and staging Duncan’s repertoire impel this lucid, luminous rendering of the inner, emotional work required to animate Duncan’s dances, and the inner workings of a dance company dedicated to doing so. In a seamless narrative, Seidel weaves accounts of Duncan’s life, philosophy, and art through relevant dance scholarship and Seidel’s own dance experiences to offer a heart-felt tribute to Duncan, an inspiring gift to fellow Duncan followers, and a compelling invitation to Duncan dancers of the future."--Kimerer L. LaMothe, author of Why We Dance: A Philosophy of Bodily Becoming and Nietzsche’s Dancers: Isadora Duncan, Martha Graham, and the Revaluation of Christian Values.

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Dr. Andrea Mantell Seidel

Professor Emeritus, Dance

Associate Professor, Religious Studies

Florida International University

Miami, FL 33143

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To order a copy of the forthcoming book, Isadora Duncan in the 21st Century:  Capturing the Art and Spirit of the Dancer’s Legacy,  click on link below:









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