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 Legacy / Practitioners / France / Ms. Fabienne Courmont





Ms. Fabienne Courmont




 Fabienne C


Fabienne Courmont
Créatrice de la Danse de l’Être©
Présidente Avignon Section CID - UNESCO partner
+33 677 14 10 80
+33 432 60 12 26
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International dancer, choreographer, dance-therapist, founder and trainer in Dance of Being©, Director and trainer at the «  Dance of the future International Center », President of the Avignon Unit CID ( International Dance Council - UNESCO partner).
Author of numerous articles on dance, originator of multicultural and pan-artistic events in France, India, Greece, Morrocco.
She received education in classical ballet (Lille's Dance Conservatory - France). Then she was trained in Contemporary Dance in Paris (Karin Waehner, Martha Graham Jose Limon...) and studied from various other traditions unifying body and mind (Taï-ji, Nô theater, Shinto).
After starting her own dance school and company she started at 28 an international career as a "free" dancer. She undertook a journey around the dance world  that started in San Francisco, native town of Isadora Duncan. Following  Isadora Duncan's lead , Mrs Courmont continued her trip by going to Japan to be trained to the Butô of Nature with Tanaka Min and Kazuo Ohno, and also to India where she was initiated to sacred dance Bharata Natyam. Since this age she has been praticing and  sharing her knowledge of free dance as an art of transcendence, with various artists (France, Austria, U.S.A, Quebec, India, Morrocco, Greece).
Dance of Being© the dance of the future  is the culmination of 30 years of her research. Beyond a therapy dance, this method is a universal language. For the last 12 years Fabienne Courmont has been passing on her knowledge to her own students. 
Fabienne embodies the revival of the sacred tradition of dance in a free form that Isadora Duncan called : Dance of the Future.

Entretien : Fabienne Courmont, danseuse-chorégraphe et Alkis Raftis, Président CID - UNESCO


Teaser spectacle “Isadora The dance of the future” hommage à Isadora Duncan


Workshop & Creation


Formation "Dance of being"


Sur les pas d’Isadora Duncan et de la Grèce Antique










Wednesday the 11th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
Copyright 2014
