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Persons / Raymond Duncan
Raymond Duncan
Reciting Walt Whitman
Photo by Michael Stein, San Francisco, 1902
Ground-breaking ceremony at Kopanos. Raymond Duncan with the builders
Temple Dunacnstanding between Raymond and Isadora, Holds the shovel. going over the plans for Kopanos
To Isadora's left stand Sara, Elizabeth and Dora Duncan
The finished walls of Kopanos The living room at Kopanos.
The desins woven into the cushion covers
were produced by using different natural shades of goat hair
Athens, Greece, 1903
Raymond at the Parthenon.
Photo by Isadora Duncan
Athens, Greece, 1903
Brochure in German and English introducing the newly founded fotodotera,
Raymond's ideal commune, 1908
Raymond's historical production of Elektra was presented throughout the United States,
beginning in New York in the spring of 1910.
Circa, 1908
Penelope Duncan, Dionysos Devaris and Raymond Duncan
in "The Death of Agistos"
from Sophocles' Elektra,
directed by Raymond Duncan.
Théàtre de Chàtelet, Paris, 1912
Penelope, Raymond and George Pappageorge
dancing in a Weaving Studio.
Portland, Oregon
Circa, 1910
Raymond with the children of his refugee colony Penelope with one of Raymond's rugs
at Epirus, 1913 Photo by Raymond Duncan, Paris, Circa, 1913
Paris, 1920
At the Villa Arxadia
Isadora and Raymond Duncan (from right)
Summer, 1927
Raymond and Elizabeth
Isadora's funeral, Paris, 1927
Raymond, his wife Penelope Sikelianos and their son Menalkas
Greece, Athens, 1930
Girls dancing in the Athens stadium. Probably pupils of the school of Raymond Duncan, postcard, 1930 (?)