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Persons / Students









 Isadora with pupils from the Grunewald School, in her Paris appartment;
one of Craig's drawings of her hangs on the wall.
Photo by Henry Manuel
Paris, 1910

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Students at Isadora's Dionysion studio in New York.
Photo by Arnold Genthe, 1915

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The first photo of Isadora and her Moscow students with Irma Duncan, 1921    
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Duncan School students in Russia 1922 / 24 ?
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New York, 1914 - 1915

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Moscow, 1927

IlyaIlyichSchneyder2-1946   IlyaIlyichSchneyder3-elenaTerenteraindancingTchaikovskyMoscow1948   IlyaIlyichSchneyder4-theThreeGracesbySchubert 
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Isadora's Moscow students
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 Moscow students' american tour, 1929
2 years after Isadora's death

Cuba, 1931


Wednesday the 19th. . Isadora Duncan Pundect
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